Astro-Music Remedy

There are 9 mantras for 9 planets. Mantra means mann + tra or penetrating the mind. In addition to words forming mantra, music has tune and rhythm. Tune of music can evoke various emotions like horror, sadness, happiness, love etc. Rhythm of music also affects the mood for example the morale of warriors is often boosted by drum beats.

The consultation involves diagnosis of an individual’s issue and suggesting suitable raag/tune or music or sound or rhythm that can be useful in clearing specific blockage. Sound has direct effect on the mind and can be effective in improving mental health. Since mental health affects the physical health as well, sound can be helpful in physical healing as well.

For deeper diagnosis, music remedy is combined with astrological consultation. Please proceed from this link for online or in-person India (Bhopal) holistic consultation.

For music courses to improve mental health, please visit

Predictive & Remedial Astrologer, Astrology Course, Best Astrologer in India (Bhopal), Reading & Remedies, Kundli Milan, Birth-Report, Vastu Consultation & Course.